

2016. augusztus 15., hétfő


Krásny deň prajem :)
Dnes tu mám pre vás recenziu na produkt od kórejskej značky Missha.Túto značku už asi poznáte ,keďže  Missha BB Krémy sú dostupné už aj v slovenských e-shopoch.Ja som si svoj kompaktný makeup-bb krém zaobstarala z Ebayu .Dá sa tam kúpiť strašne veľa vecí, a oveľa lacnejšie ako u nás.Kórejské produkty si môžte objednať priamo Z Južnej Kórei .Ak by ste mali záujem o článok na tému- ako nakupovať cez Ebay, dajte mi vedieť :)
Kompaktné makeupy predávajú už aj značky ako Maybelline,LOreal, avšak nie som si istá , či sa dajú kúpiť aj u nás.Tento produkt od Misshy je vlastne bb krém a makeup v jednom.

Balenie :Puzdro má jednoduchú bielu farbu, avšak vyzerá veľmi luxusne.Otvára sa jednoducho,vo vnútri nájdete zrkadlo a špeciálnu hubku na makeup a aj samotný produkt. 

Aplikácia:Ja by som vám odporúčila používať  hubku ,ktorá je v balení.Je vyvinutá práve na tento účel a veľmi ľahko sa s ňou nanáša samotný produkt.Na pleti vyzerá veľmi prirodzene a vytvára krásny výsledný efekt.Pleť hydratuje a chráni pred slnečným žiarením, keďže obsahuje SPF 50 . Samozrejme, keď máte nejaké väčšie jazvy ,musíte naniesť aj tenkú vrstvu korektoru na problémové miesta,Krycia schopnosť je stredná-vysoká.

Výdrž:Produkt je vhodný na každodenné použitie ale aj na slávnostné líčenie, keďže vydrží 6-7 hodín .Sú dostupné 2 odtiene , 21-Light Beige a 23 Natural Beige, ja som si vybrala ten 2. variant. Veľkým plusom je to, že produkt neoxiduje, čiže nemení farbu na pleti v priebehu dňa.Aby ste dosiahli dlhšiu výdrž ,musíte použit fixačný púder
alebo fixačný sprej .
Celkový dojem :No a sme na konci dnešnej recenzii.Musím vám povedať, že som veľmi spokojná s výkonom tohto produktu. Ja som si zaobstarala originálnu verziu, ale existuje aj ,,moisture,, verzia.Odporúčam každému , ak máte otázky ohľadom tejto recenzie napíšte mi .
Želám vám krásny deň :)

2016. augusztus 14., vasárnap


Good morning !

 I´m so excited to do this review.BB Cushions and Compact Makeups are quite popular lately ,apart from the korean ones,western brands like Maybelline or LOreal launched their compact cushions as well.As I´m a big fan of korean makeup, I searched for an affordable cushion among the korean brands.I found out that the Missha M Magic Cushion is one of the best ones on the market and is budget-friendly too.Missha is one of the worldwide famous Korean brands ,the products always come in a very luxurious looking packaging and the design is usually very mature and elegant and I think that it can be liked by almost everyone. .And I have to say I LOVE IT!!!!!

Let´s start with the review :) 
The Packaging: It comes in the usual compact casing and the edges are slightly curved and make for a more comfortable grip. There is an inbuilt mirror and place for your sponge.It is beautiful, simple yet amazing .
Refill Compatibility: Not compatible / not interchangeable with Laneige,The History of Whoo,IOPE, Etude House,The Face Shop, Innisfree,Hera, Innisfree.
The Texture/Application: It goes onto the skin feeling “juicy”, and settles into a dewy-powdery finish.It looks so natural yet glowing on the skin,it gives you that healthy look. The dark eye circles are almost completely covered up and the acne scars,blemishes are almost completely gone.Of course you have to use a little bit of concealer to hide everything perfectly.I would define this cushion as medium to high coverage. The finish is a brightening one, and it stays on pretty long as well.
The cushion is available in two shades -21 Light Beige and 23 Natural Beige.I chose 23 as I think 21 would be too bright for me.
The Touch-up:  Areas where there are whiteheads/blackheads/bumpy parts of the skin will tend to be emphasized by this BB cushion as it has a powdery finish.You could use a face mist to maintain the moisture after a few hours.If your face isn’t oily, you might not even have to touch up for at least 6-8 hours! Oh yeah, and it does not oxidize.

The Verdict: Overall, I’m so so happy and satisfied with this . The product gives a wonderful, gorgeous, radiant finish, which lasts a decent 6-7 hours -depending on your skin type. It doesn’t feel drying and it is comfortable to have it on your skin.It  should be suitable for all skin types.Mine is the original version, but there is a moisture version too.I´ve got mine with a refill and I think it will last pretty long. I definitely recommend this to anyone !!!!  What are your thoughts about my reviews?? What should I work on or what would you want to read in the future?? Leave me a comment.Thank you and have a nice day :)

2016. július 22., péntek

BEAUTY TIP:The foundation guide

Hi dears!Today I´m going to write about everything you need to know about foundations,choosing the right shade,type,consistency,applying etc. So let´s begin!I hope you will find it helpful !

1.Finding your skin type 
First of all, you have to know ,what can you work with.Determining your skin type is an important step if you want to have a healthy visage.
The skin types are : 
Your  nose, chin and forehead are oily and tend to break out, while your eye area and cheeks are dry. You also fall into this category if your skin changes according to the climate or season.This is the most common skin type.

Your face feels and looks moist and shiny .You tend to have clogged pores, and your skin is prone to both blackheads and whiteheads and pimples, which pop up all over.

You flush easily or have red patches or eczema . Your skin often feels rough, tight, or dry in the afternoon or evening—even two hours after applying moisturizer. Skin products, sunblocks, and cosmetics sometimes sting or cause redness. 

You are lucky if you fall into this category.Your skin is smooth and radiant because it reflects light evenly. Your complexion is balanced (not too oily or too dry), and you rarely have breakouts. You don’t notice any changes in your skin throughout the day and can try many kinds of products without having a reaction.

2.Finding the right foundation 
Finding the right foundation can be daunting because there are so many brands and formulations on the market.
Liquid (or Cream) foundation
Liquid foundation is a basic term for foundations that come in liquid form. There are many specialized versions, including oil-free, oil-based, waterproof and even 24-hour. They can go from medium to full coverage depending on how much you apply.

Cream foundations provide a bit heavier coverage.These types are suitable for people with normal to dry skin.
Stick foundation
Stick foundations are essentially cream-to-powder foundations in stick form. If you want a cream-to-powder foundation and prefer the convenience of a stick these are an option, but they have drawbacks, which is why there aren't many of these being sold.
Most stick foundations go on thicker than powder or cream-to-powder foundations, which make them more problematic for those with oily or blemish-prone skin. Plus, some stick foundations feel thick and heavy.This type is suitable for people with normal to combination skin.
Because of their size and the type of packaging, stick foundations do travel well, but overall, even the best ones in this category should be approached cautiously.
Sheer Foundations,Tinted Moisturizers and BB Creams
Sheer foundations and tinted moisturizers are basically interchangeable. They are an excellent choice for a touch of color along with moisture and, more often than not, sun protection. For casual weekend makeup, sheer foundations or tinted moisturizers are excellent options for normal to dry or slightly oily skin that does not need significant coverage.Cream-to-Powder Compact Foundations
These foundations are a cross between a pressed-powder and a creamy liquid foundation. They have a very creamy, almost greasy, appearance, but if you're using the best ones in this category, the creaminess will disappear after you blend them on, leaving you with a slightly matte, powdery finish. Coverage can go from sheer to full depending on the formula and how much you apply.It is perfect for people with dry,slightly oily to combination skin.
Mineral Makeup
Mineral makeup isn't a special type of foundation—it is a powder foundation sold in either loose or pressed form.
The same ingredients used in mineral makeup show up in other powder-based foundations, too. Although there is no compelling reason to choose mineral makeup over other types of foundation (it isn't better or safer for your skin, even if it is sensitive), many women like the natural-themed names of these products and are attracted to the branding.
As mentioned above, mineral makeup comes in loose or pressed versions, although the loose-powder version is more common. Both typically provide heavier coverage than what you can achieve from regular pressed-powder foundations.It is suitable for oily ,combination and normal skin types. 

3.Finding the right shade
So after you found the right formula for you, you have to choose the shade that fits your skin tone the most.I wouldn´t recommend you to try it on your hand , as your hand is lighter than your face.You should try it on the jaw line of your face and see how it looks.You should choose a color that looks natural ,not like you´re wearing foundation or even worse, a mask.

Remember, neutral shades work best for almost all skin tones. Women with pink or ruddy skin often choose foundations that match these blush-like tones, but they then end up looking like they're wearing a mask. A neutral-tone foundation will soften the redness rather than make it look worse. No matter what foundation shade you're considering, whether applying it at home or in the store, always check the results in natural light.

Finally, you have your foundation in your hand and let´s see how to apply it.

If you have oily skin or large pores, you should use a primer first to get that perfect canvas to work with.I would recommend to always use a sunscreen to protect your skin,it evens out your skin tone and reduces the amount of blemishes and redness.I will write about this soon in an other post.

You can apply your makeup  with a sponge-beauty blender, with a makeup brush or with your fingers.I definitely recommend you to apply it with a beauty blender, as that way it looks the most natural and you get that perfect finish.With brush there is a chance that you will have streaks after using it but it is easy to work with a brush too.

After you applied your foundation, I recommend you to use a fixing spray or powder to keep everything in place.A good fixing spray is the ELF Studio Makeup Mist &Set Spray which works perfectly for a reasonable price.You don´t have to spend a fortune to find something that works well. 
The most important thing is that you enjoy the time you spend putting makeup on.I hope this was
helpful and if you have any questions leave a comment.
Thank you for reading and have a nice day :) 

2016. július 19., kedd


Hi!Today’s review is on the Rimmel lasting Finish 25 hour foundation with comfort serum. This claims to be a full coverage skin perfecting foundation which lasts up to 25 hours.
“Blends flawlessly, seamlessly, instantly and easily into the skin” Let´s see how it works. 
The colour I use is 100 Ivory ,there is a wide colour palette to choose from.
The foundation blends like a dream,I apply it with my teardrop makeup sponge(beauty blender).It’s quite a thick consistency .This foundation covers all my redness and any uneven skin tones on my face.The foundation looks natural despite being full coverage and it has a natural finish and it gives you that dewy glow.It is very comfortable to wear as it feels light on the skin and isn´t sticky at all.It is probably due to the comfort serum Rimmel have included.It is really comfortable to have it on your face. They claim this is heat, humidity, sweat and party proof. And I totally agree! Of course you need to apply powder after a few hours to keep everything in place.I don´t aggree with the 25h+ lasting power, but it lasts a good 12 hours.I used it once for a wedding and it lasted the whole day and covered everything perfectly.I highly recommend this foundation to everyone who wants to have a reliable ,good quality foundation and doesn´t want to spend a fortune.I have to admit I love the Rimmel foundations I think they are one of the bests on the market.


 high coverage
 long lasting
 many shades
 not greasy,non sticky
 humidity and sweat proof doesn´t crease
 SPF 20
 good price
 available in drugstores
 natural finish
 dewy glow


Ahojte! Rozhodla som sa niektoré články napísatˇ aj po slovensky, keďže moje recenzie sa týkajú aj výrobkov ktoré dostať u nás.Dnešním produktom je makeup Rimmel London Long Lasting Foundation, čo je už pomerne dlho na trhu .Je to úžasný produkt ,o ktorom by bola škoda nevedieť.
Výrobca sľubuje 25+ hodinovú výdrž ,toto žial nemôžem  potvrdiť, ale je určite dlhotrvajúci a super odolný.Čo sa týka krytia, kryje naozaj dobre, dokáže aj takmer úplne zakryť všetky nedokonalosti :). Nezanecháva hrudky, má príjemnú krémovú konzistenciu a veľmi ľahko sa nanáša-ja na to používam moju hubku na makeup čo som si objednala z parfums.sk (je to super vecička). Pleť je vďaka makeupu hydratovaná, svieža a krásna.Samozrejme to musíme zafixovať púdrom aby sme dosiahli ten perfektný výsledný efekt.Na výber sú 4-5 odtiene, ja používam odtieň Ivory (100),ale ani ten nie je ten najsvetlejší. Farby sú skôr do oranžova .Make up je vylepšený o upokojujúce sérum. Obsahuje SPF 20 , čo je veľmi užitočné nielen v lete, ale v každom ročnom období.Vďaka tomu bude pleť zreteľne krajšia a nedostatky menej viditeľné.Makeup na tvári vyzerá veľmi prirodzene aj napriek tomu že má vysokú kryciu schopnosť.Tento produkt odporúčam všetkým ,ktorí  si chcú kúpiť kvalitný makeup za dobrú cenu.Je to úplne TOP.
Sziasztok, úgy döntöttem, hogy egy pár cikket magyarul is megírok, hiszen a leírt dolgok mindenkinek hasznosak lehetnek és így legalább több mindenkihez eljut és több embernek segíthet a döntésben.A mai termék amelyről beszámolok a Rimmel London Long Lasting Foundation alapozó .Bekell vallanom, hogy személyes kedvencem és szerintem az egyik legjobb alapozó amely kapható a környéken.A gyártó 25+ órás tartást , magas fedőképességet ígér. 12 óráig nagyon szépen tart az alapozó, de persze egy kis púder segítségével.Nagyon könnyen felvihető , ehhez egy alapozó szivacsot használok.Az állaga krémes,nem ragadós és könnyen lehet vele dolgozni. Az enyém Ivory 100 színű ,4-5 színből lehet választani.Az összes szín narancsárgás tónusú.A magas fedőképesség abszolút nem túlzás, csodálatosan elfed minden bőrhibát, heget.Ha a problémás helyekre több réteget felviszünk egy szivacs, ecset segítségével ,korrektort nem is kell használnunk. A bőrön nagyon természetes hatást kell, és enyhén fénylő a végeredmény. Hidratálja a bőrt és a komfort szérumnak köszönhetően nem kényelmetlen a bőrön.

Mindenkinek ajánlom ,aki egy jó ,minőségi alapozót szeretne elfogadható áron. 

2016. július 18., hétfő


Hi everyone !
Today I am doing  a review on the super popular makuep tool- beauty blender.
It is on the market since quite a while and many people love it.
I absolutely understand why ! It does a wonderful job when you apply makeup.
I tried it with liquid and stick foundation and it worked perfectly.

It is basically a makeup sponge ,you have to put it in water so that the sponge won´t absorb your makeup.Your fingers will be clean and there will be no streaks after brush.It helps to cover acne scars,spots.Mine was really cheap and it was definitely worth trying it.

I absolutely recommend it to everyone .I hope you will love it as much as I do .

Ahojte ! 
Dnes si dáme  krátku recenziu na super populárnu vecičku.Hubka na makeup je veľmi populárna nie len v zahraničí, ale už aj u nás. Môžte si ju kúpiť v každej drogérii alebo sa  dá objednať aj z internetu. Ja som si  svojho  beauty blendera kúpila zo stránky parfums.sk ,kde sa cena pohybuje okolo 2-3 eur. Je vhodné na nanášanie tekutého alebo tuhého makeupu.Aby sa s tým lepšie pracovalo, musíte ho namočit do vody -takto vám neabsorbuje váš drahý makeup.Pracovať s hubkou je oveľa jednoduchšie aj účinnejšie ako naniesť makeup štetcom alebo prstami.
Odporúčam všetkým :)